I recently chatted with Joey Sourlis, he is a Voice Actor residing in North Carolina, United States.
How long have you been a voice actor?
I’ve been doing this legitimately for about 5 years. But I’ve always had an affinity for it.
How did you get in to voice acting?
Ever since I was a kid, my dad would do all these different, funny voices around the house. I guess I picked up on that! I really started getting creative in my middle school years, but that was with ALL of the arts. I really wanted to present myself as a “Jack of all trades” in the entertainment business. I eventually channeled most of my creative process through voiceover. Though I still draw/paint/play drums/and write, voice acting is my passion. It is my absolute favorite thing to do! People say I have my father’s vocal chords too, so that’s a plus!

How many different voices can you do?
Oh it would be easier to tell you the voices I can’t do! Let’s just say I have a repertoire of voices!
Can you give a few examples?
The Joker

Have you ever done voice training and if so, where and with whom?
Not a whole lot, I’ve always done my training by myself. But my mentor, Howard Wilson, teaches me the ins and outs of the business. He lives right here in North Carolina.
What is your biggest success/regret?
My biggest success so far was recording an ACTUAL paid commercial! I work with a studio now and I’m on their audition list, so that has definitely opened up some doors!
My biggest regret would probably have to be the fact that I wasn’t always so open to criticisms and critique in the beginning, but I eventually learned that THAT’S what’s gonna help you grow and learn. So I’m open to it now, it still hurts my pride WHENEVER I find a flaw. But that’s a good thing, helps you remember not to do that again.
What piece of advice would you give to others who are thinking of getting into voice work?
Be patient. You aren’t going to become a superstar overnight. There’s a saying, “it’s better to have to wait for an opportunity and be ready for it rather than to HAVE an opportunity and not be ready for it.” BE READY for that opportunity! You should always dedicate as much time as you can towards your passion (s).
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ joeysourlisvo/
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/joey- sourlis
Discord: JoeySourlisvo #9676