My name is Darlene and I am a mother of four. I am a mother, wife, sister, aunt, daughter, sister in law, a try-to-be-runner lately it seems and very busy. I like adventure although with four children, it is usually centered around them.
I love hanging with friends and famly and my kids of course. I have a loving husband and family and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. 🙂 I like to talk and post photos on facebook, dabble with twitter. I like to think I am internet savvy but I know I have many things to learn.
I enjoy reading my kobo, trying out new food recipes quite often and always experimenting and trying new things. I like to be fit and eat well although I am not always the best following through.
I know alot of people who blog and I thought, “hey, why not give it a try? Worse case I have nothing interesting to say and best case, I surprise myself”.
Welcome to my blog and I look forward to writing more soon! 🙂