Meet Zoe Georgaras, she is an actress based in Toronto and represented by The Meus Agency in Ottawa, Ontario. i had the opportunity to discuss her acting career recently.
As a child, did you want to be an actress, or did it fall into place through other activities?
My mother is extremely flamboyant and is always the life of any party, so when I popped out and began doing impressions of British Butlers and Truck Drivers at the ripe age of 3, my mother began showing me off at dinner parties. She would say “Do that cute one about the tea being served again!” and I would gladly perform on command for whoever in the room. And then I started Musical Theatre and Dance classes.
Who inspired you to follow your dream to pursue acting?
I really had to decide on my own that this is what I wanted to do. It took years of travelling and life chapters in my late teen’s and early 20’s to make me realize that I wanted nothing more than to take my rightful place on the professional screen and stage. I salute the young women who possess that confidence from a young age, but I was a late bloomer. Once it hit me to pursue acting though, it was a huge epiphany.
What challenges have you faced in the entertainment industry? What has been your most rewarding experience?
Everyday I am faced with challenges in this industry. The job of an actor, regardless of having an agent or not, is to seek out work and make connections. With that comes a lot of rejection and you need to be willing to keep walking with confidence. An acting coach of mine once said you have to do your auditions and then immediately forget about them.
One of my most rewarding experiences was going on a trip to Hollywood because one of the short films I co-star (Project G.O.D), was selected to screen at a festival at the Director’s Guild of America. As I sat in my seat during the awards ceremony when all of a sudden I saw myself on the big screen being one of 5 women nominated for Best Lead Actress. I was thrilled to be recognized for my talents and especially in such a powerful role.
What is your favourite type of character to play?
I enjoy playing dark, athletic and outspoken women who drive the protagonist into psychological insanity. Haha, maybe that seems a little cynical to admit to enjoying being the villain, but I also like to be the protagonist with a bit of an edge of darkness. Like Katniss from The Hunger Games or The Bride from Kill Bill.
What market do you currently work in? Where would you like to see yourself?
I am currently a Toronto based Actor and my representation is Lisa Meuser from The Meus Productions ( For a full bio please refer to my website I have performed on-screen and on stage in Ottawa and Montreal as well. As I mentioned, I travelled to Los Angeles earlier this year, and would like the opportunity to obtain a visa to work there someday.
What advice would you give to someone new trying to make it in the acting industry?
Go to Theatre School and act on stage. Stage is where acting comes alive and you tap into the legacy of Actors from thousands of years of performing. Whether you believe in Spirits or not, you can choose to feel powerful connecting to the original actors of some of Shakespeare’s fine work like Cleopatra or Romeo & Juliet.
Why, What fuels your passion?
The spontaneity of it all. The understanding that the world is changing and film has the power to guide the consciousness of the people in a positive way.
What is something about you that most people would never guess?
I spent the majority of my early twenties immersed in the world of environmental activism.
Spearheaded by the Idle no More movement, I was moved by the plight of the indigenous communities across Canada, and feel lucky to have had the opportunity to travel the country, learn from the Grandmothers and Medicine Men and stand beside everyone who continues to stand up in solidarity for land protectors.
If you were to do it all over again, would you do things exactly the same? Do you have any regrets? Successes that make you proud?
When I was 16, I was sought out because of my unique voice and was placed in a video game with John Cleese called Time Troopers. I went on to doing a couple small gigs but I lacked the knowledge and ability to create and maintain a place for me in the industry. If I knew then what I knew now maybe my career would have taken off sooner. On the other hand, I am grateful for the many experiences I have had since and couldn’t imagine life without them. And it’s never too late to go for it.